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Have you been too strong for too long?
I combine traditional counseling techniques and current neurological research to offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each client.

Does life feel really "heavy" right now?
Have you been too strong for too long? You do not have to live this way. You do not have to accept a “new normal”. Depression, anxiety, and Post Traumatic Stress can be managed and hopefully eliminated from your life. You can love your life again or maybe for the first time. I utilize traditional talk therapy and Accelerated Resolution Therapy to find the root cause of the problem and address it at the source.
My approach is to teach you the how and the why of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress and then work together to figure out how to help you live your best life possible.
I combine traditional counseling techniques and current neurological research to offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each client.
I provide a non-judgmental and compassionate atmosphere in which you can safely explore and work through feelings, thoughts, images and beliefs, conscious or unconscious, that may be keeping you stuck.